September 21, 2023

Compliance for AI.

Compliance in the context of artificial intelligence (AI) is a crucial aspect for entrepreneurs who are implementing AI in their operations, selling AI-based products, or involved in the development of AI systems and components essential for their functioning. Implementing compliance principles appears to be a reasonable solution for companies operating in the field of AI, as it encompasses various critical aspects and tools, such as ethics and whistleblower protection. The selection of specific tools depends on the compliance strategy a company chooses to adopt. To gain a better understanding of compliance in this field, it is essential to consider several key aspects.

The Scope of AI Compliance.

Compliance pertains to adhering to legal regulations, ethical standards, and individual compliance objectives set by organizations. It is a pivotal matter for those utilizing AI in their operations as well as those designing and developing AI systems. A compliance strategy should be flexible and well-considered, requires a broad perspective. Compliance is a concept broader than just legal compliance; law constitutes only one of its components. The aim of compliance is to ensure that a company complies not only with existing laws but also with ethical principles and the vision set by its owners or governing bodies.

Properly implemented and adhered to compliance strategy can yield numerous benefits, such as enhancing security, unlocking potential, and building the reputation of the organization. This strategy is most effective when it directs, shapes, or supervises interactions between compliance rules and human behavior.

Compliance with Legal Regulations.

The first key aspect of compliance efforts is maintaining compliance with existing legal regulations. Companies are obliged to ensure that all their operations and activities comply with current legal provisions. This requirement rightfully leads many companies to collaborate with legal advisors to monitor and adapt to regulations. However, concerning artificial intelligence, mere legal compliance may prove inadequate. It is necessary to adopt the appropriate approach and perspective on AI, considering broader needs and unique circumstances.

Ethics of Artificial Intelligence.

Another significant aspect is ethics. Among the ethical challenges related to artificial intelligence are issues like algorithmic discrimination, privacy concerns (which extend beyond legal regulations), excessive data collection and analysis, including profiling individuals, manipulation risks, and crucial matters such as freedom, autonomy, dignity, and the right to truth. Ethics should be taken seriously in the context of AI, and compliance provides a framework that can reflect the vision of management or owners.

Compliance Objectives.

Companies have the opportunity to define their own compliance objectives. These objectives can take various forms and represent a further step beyond fulfilling legal obligations and ensuring ethical compliance. Compliance objectives that contribute to the well-being of humanity or specific communities demonstrate the company’s commitment to social responsibility. This approach is based on the idea that companies should not only operate within the bounds of the law and ethical principles but also have the potential to make a positive impact on the world around them. Establishing and pursuing such socially positive compliance objectives not only enhances the company’s image but also fosters lasting relationships with stakeholders and contributes to the creation of a more sustainable and just society. This approach constitutes a significant element of the concept of sustainable development, in which companies take responsibility for their actions and their impact on society and the environment.


A key element is adopting the right approach to the concept of compliance, understanding its essence, and integrating it properly into the corporate structure. Compliance encompasses many areas of a company’s operations. Firstly, legal compliance safeguards against adverse legal consequences, such as fines and sanctions. Additionally, it reduces risks and facilitates ongoing operations, which can support a company’s growth. Furthermore, maintaining compliance fosters a safe working environment within the organization and builds a positive company image in the eyes of both business partners and customers. Moreover, it aids in building loyalty towards the company and may serve as a catalyst for the company’s engagement in actions aimed at creating a better world.

In conclusion, compliance represents a strategy for companies that can yield numerous benefits both in business and social aspects. Properly implemented compliance concepts can be a key element of an organization’s success and contribute to the creation of more responsible and sustainable business models. In the context of artificial intelligence (AI), it is particularly crucial to introduce practical solutions in the field of ethics. Declarations should not remain empty words.
